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Ceraulen's Blog - Express yourself in English!
Ceraulen's Blog - Express yourself in English!
20 octobre 2006

Faux amis

Dear all,

You can notice about 110 "faux amis" that is quite important to remember especially for French people to avoid making mistakes or having troubles. One of my friend suggested me this layout. Why not (wei shemne bu ne?  in Mandarin Chinese)?

Let us list those beginning with A, B and C:


1- to achieve= realiser, reussir
achever = to finish, to end, to complete
achievement = realisation, reussite
achevement = completion

2- actual = reel
actuel = present, current
actually = en realite, en fait, vraiment
actuellement = presently, currently

3- agenda = ordre du jour
agenda = appointment book, diary

4- to aggravate=
irriter, vexer
(s')aggraver= to get worse

5- to agree =
etre d'accord
agreer = to accept, to welcome
agreement = accord
agrement = charm, pleasure

6 - to alter = changer, modifier
alterer = to distort, to spoil

7- annoyed = contrarie, mecontent, enerve
ennuye = worried, bothered about

8- to apologize = presenter des excuses
apologies = excuses
faire l'apologie de = to praise

9- appointment = rendez-vous, nomination
appointements = salary, pay

10 - to assist = aider
assister a = to attend


11- bail = caution
bail = lease

12- to balance = equilibrer, tenir en equilibre
balancer = to swing, to rock

13- ballot = scrutin, bulletin de vote
ballot = bundle

14- benefit = avantage
benefice = profit

15- bias = tendance, prejuge, parti pris
biais = slope, slant, angle

16- to blame= attribuer le tort a, rejeter la responsabilite sur
blamer = to censure, to rebuke


17- candid = franc, sincere
candide = naive, artless
candour = franchise, sincerite
candeur = ingeniousness, naivety

18- cargo = cargaison, fret
cargo = cargo ship, freighter

19- caution = prudence
caution = bail, security, guarantee

20- charge = inculpation, accusation, prix a payer
charge = load, burden, charge

21- clinic= service specialise
clinique = private hospital

22- comprehensive = vaste, etendu, detaille
comprehensif = understanding

23- to control = lutter, maitriser, commander
controler = to inspect, to check

24- corporation = conseil municipal, societe commerciale
corporation = trade guild

25- to cure = guerir
curer = to clean out, to dredge
cure = remede
cure = treatment

26 - current = en vigueur, en cours
courant = ordinary, standard

We will continue later. Hope you enjoyed it!

With best wishes,

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