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Ceraulen's Blog - Express yourself in English!
Ceraulen's Blog - Express yourself in English!
24 octobre 2006

Faux amis - Suite & end

Dear all,

To close this chapter, otherwise, it will be too long and we will lose necessary energy, we will finish today to study this point. Let us give a final effort on this matter before selecting another subject maybe less serious but also pleasant!


63- labourer = travailleur manuel

Laboureur = ploughman (GB), plowman (US)

64- library = bibliotheque (institution et local)

librairie = bookshop, bookstore

65- location = emplacement, situation

location = hiring (GB), renting (US), rental

66- lunatic = fou, dément, cinglé

lunatique = whimsical

67- lunch = dejeuner (midi)

lunch = buffet


68- meeting = réunion

meeting (politique) = rally, meeting

69- minute (adj) = minsucule, infime

minute (n) = minute

70- mundane = quelconque, ordinaire, banal

mondain = social, fashionable

71- morale= (le) moral (des troupes)

(la) morale= morals, morality

72- mercantile= marchand, commercial, commerçant

mercantile= mercenary, venal


73- novel = roman

nouvelle (litt) = short story, (info) a piece of news


74- offence (GB), offense (US)= délit, infraction

offense= insult, trespass (religieux)

75- officious= trop empressé

officieux= unofficial

76- onerous= lour a supporter, pénible

onéreux= expensive, costly

77- opportunity= occasion (de faire), chance

opportunité= timeliness


78- particular= précis, exigeant

particulier= specific, particular, private

79- to pass an exam= réussir un examen

passer un examen= to take/to sit for/an exam

80- patent= brevet d’invention

patente= trading licence (GB), business licence (US)

81- patron= clientèle, habitué

patron= boss, pattern (couture)

82- performance = représntation (spectacle), interprétation (d’un artiste), comportement (d’une machine), exécution (d’une tâche)

performance= feat, achievement

83- phrase= expression, locution

phrase= sentence

84- physician = médecin

physicien= physicist

85- planning= planification, organisation

planning= schedule, timetable

86- prejudice= préjugé

préjudice= loss, harm, damage (US)

87- to pretend= simuler, faire semblant de

prétendre= to claim


88- qualification= qualification, compétence, réserve, restriction

qualification= skills, qualification

89- to question= interroger (police), contester, mettre en route

questionner= to question about, to interrogate


90- rampant= chronique, sévissant

rampant= crawling, grovelling

91- to reconcile= concilier

se réconcilier avec= to become reconciled with

92- refuse= déchets, ordures

refus= refusal

93- to regard= considérer

regarder= to look at, to watch

94- rent= loyer

rente= annuity, pension

95- to resent= être indigné de / contrarié par

ressentir= to feel

96- response= réaction

réponse= answer

97- to resume= reprendre

résumer= to sum up

98- reunion= retrouvailles

réunion= meeting


99- scheme= plan, projet, procédé, combine

schéma= diagram, outline

100- secular= séculier, profane, laïque

séculaire= age-old, centuries old

101- sensible= raisonnable, sensé

sensible= sensitive, perceptible

102- slip= dérapage, faux pas, bévue
slip (homme)= briefs, underpants, (femme) : panties

103- smoking= tabac, tabagisme, fumer
smoking= dinner jacket, DJ (GB), tuxedo (US)

104- snack= casse-croûte

snack= snack-bar

105- solvable= soluble (pour lequel une solution existe)

solvable= creditworthy, solvent

106- speaker= orateur, conférencier

speaker (présentateur)= announcer, newscaster,newsreader

107-starter= démarreur (auto), hors d’oeuvre

starter (auto)= choke

108- surname= nom de famille

surnom= nickname

109- sympathetic= compréhensif, compatissant

sympathique= pleasant, friendly, congenial


110- to trespass= entrer sans autorisation (no trespassing= entrée interdite)

trépasser= to pass away, to depart this life

111- trivial= dérisoire, insignifiant

trivial= coarse, crude

112- versatile= doué en tous genres, polyvalent

versatile= fickle, capricious

113- vest (GB)= maillot de corps (US), gilet

veste= jacket

This is the end…

Talk to you soon about the marvellous film « The Perfume »…

With best wishes,


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