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Ceraulen's Blog - Express yourself in English!
Ceraulen's Blog - Express yourself in English!
4 novembre 2006



Dear readers,

Today, we will revise a little ! Here we go!  
** Mind your “faux amis”! Select the correct meaning.

1) He lives in front of the barracks.

a. caserne c. barricades

b. baraques d. taudis

2) I do not like this fabric.

a. fabrique c. tissu

b. atelier d. fébrilité

3) She is very sensible, you know.

a. sensée c. sensible

b. triste d. sensuelle

4) Have you ever read that novel ?

a. nouvelle c. romance

b. nouveauté d. roman

5) She has gone to the library.

a. libraire c. bibliothèque

b. librairie d. bibliothécaire

6) Do you know the editor of the paper ?

a. rédacteur en chef c. éditeur

b. imprimeur d. distributeur

7) He used to be a labourer.

a. laboureur c. laborieux

b. travailleur manuel d. distributeur

8) Have you passed the exam ?

a. passé c. raté

b. réussi d. échappé à

9) Do you know his surname ?

a. surnom c. nom de famille

b. prénom d. pseudonyme

Keys: 1a – 2c – 3a – 4d – 5c – 6a – 7b – 8b – 9c

** Read these extracts from a weekly magazine.


East of Eden. Anyone (Elia Kazan) who had the chutzpah to try to make a movie from Nobel-winner John Steinbeck’s great novel by taking only the last third would, you might think, deserve opprobrium as well as failure. Well, yes, but you reckon without James Dean, whose first starring role this was, and who was already dead by the time this film was released in 1955. That ensured its lasting success (he made only three films), but for the wrong reasons. Rigid father raises two boys. Family conflicts abound.

Jaws: The Revenge. Now look. Let us get one thing quite clear for the record. I saw the giant shark being blown up at the end of jaws, right? With my own eyes. So how come it keeps coming back? I mean, are we talking some kind of fishy Freddy Krueger, or what? Of course moeny, not reincarnation, is the answer to that mystery, and fortunately this film was such a turkey – dull, derivative and unimaginative – that it did not make any. Which if you think of it, is pretty neat revenge.

Select the correct answers.

10) The Film East of Eden is based.

a. upon Steinbeck’s third novel

b. upon the end of Steinbeck’s novel

c. upon the whole of Steinbeck’s novel

11) According to the journalist, the film East of Eden was a success.

a. because of James Dean’s personality and destiny

b. because its theme: family conflicts

c. because Steinbeck was a Nobel-winner

12) According to the journalist, Jaws: The Revenge is:

a. a rather good film

b. a bad film

c. which has had c. much success d. no success

Keys: 10b – 11a – 12b and d

What is your score? Wish you a pleasant week end!

With best wishes,


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