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Ceraulen's Blog - Express yourself in English!
Ceraulen's Blog - Express yourself in English!
19 décembre 2006

Focus on some adjectives

Dear readers,

Let us look at some adjectives and expressions today! For some of you, it will be just a way to revise, for others maybe a discovery. Hope they will be helpful to each of you!

- What is the difference between "accountable for" and "accountable to"?
"Accountable for" means you take the responsability for something, to be responsible for... "responsable de" in French whereas "accountable to" means "responsable devant".

- Same question for "angry about" and "angry with"
When you are angry about, there is an event or something which troubled you and made you enrage (rendre quelqu'un furieux): furieux a cause de.
When you are angry with something/someone, there is a strong notion of opposition, contrast: furieux contre.

- anxious about / anxious for
When your friend is anxious about her looks, she takes care or has a particular interest in her looks: qui se preoccupe de.
When your brother is anxious for promotion, he is waiting impatiently for it: qui attend avec impatience.

- concerned about - concerned by - concerned with
If Mummy is really concerned about Dad's health, that means she is worried about her husband's health: qui s'inquiete de.
If you are not concerned by this decision, this decision will not have any effect on you, your behaviour: concerne par.
On the contrary, if he is more concerned with efficiency than prestige, it means his interest is based on/he is more interested in efficiency than prestige: qui s'interesse a.

- good at - good to - good for
She is good at maths but her English level is terrible: bon en.
My grandmother was good to me because she was quite nice towards me: gentil avec.
Practising sport is good for health as it makes you breath: bon pour.

- mad about - mad at - mad with
I do not know why but I have the feeling that he is clearly mad about her. She does not care! (fou de)
Yesterday he was mad at me for telling Dad, he was so angry with me! (furieux contre)
He was mad with rage (fou de).

Some expressions to keep in mind:

- at a pinch: a la rigueur
- at will: a volonte
- at your disposal: a votre disposition
- for want of: a defaut de
- in the long run: a long terms
- in my opinion: a mon avis
- in turn: a son tour
- on no account: a aucun prix
- on condition that: a condition que
- on the radio: a la radio
- on second thoughts: a la reflexion
- on TV: a la television
- on foot: a pied
- at random: au hasard
- at least: au moins
- at worst: au pire
- at the latest: au plus tard
- in case: au cas ou
- in view of: au vu de
- on the whole: dans l'ensemble
- over the years: au fil des annees
- with Ford: chez Ford
- in the hope of: dans l'espoir de
- by my watch: d'apres ma montre
- by next Thursday: d'ici jeudi prochain
- by day: de jour
- from an economic point of view: d'un point de vue economique
- in a loud voice: d'une voix forte
- in preference to: de preference a
- on behalf of: de la part de, au nom de
- at present: en ce moment
- at risk: en danger
- at odds: en desaccord
- at issue: en discussion
- at war: en guerre
- at stake: en jeu
- at the same time: en meme temps
- at peace: en paix
- in advance: en avance
- in charge of: en charge de
- in comparison with: en comparaison de
- in compliance with: en conformite avec
- in exchange for: en echange de
- in addition to: en plus de
- in proportion to: en proportion de
- in reply to: en reponse a
- on arriving: en arrivant
- on good terms (with): en bons termes (avec)
- on fire: en feu
- on the move: en mouvement
- on average: en moyenne
- on account of: en raison de
- on the way: en route
- on holiday: en vacance
- under way: en cours de realisation
- under repair: en reparation
- by heart: par coeur
- by mistake: par erreur
- for example: par exemple
- for instance: par exemple
- for lack of: par manque de
- out of interest: par interet
- in the meantime: pendant ce temps
- over the weekend: pendant le week-end
- in earnest: pour de bon
- for the time being: pour l'instant
- in the rain: sous la pluie
- at once: tout de suite
- in accordance with: conformement a
- on Monday: lundi
- on one's own: seul
- by oneself: seul

- at the end (of the text): a la fin (du texte)
- in the end (=eventually): au bout du compte
- in time: dans les delais
- on time: a l'heure
- at stake: en jeu (ce que l'on risque)
- at work: en jeu (en presence)

Now, you can use these expressions on the best way possible without hesitation!;-)

With best wishes,

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